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Directorate of Marketing & Inspection

How To Apply

  1. Sign up/ Register/ Sign in: An applicant may sign up and register as Primary/Corporate user and create a primary user id by clicking at relevant icon at Home page. An applicant may click on Certificate of Authorisation to apply for Agmark certification on specified commodities for his/her manufacturing / packing premises, click on Certificate of Printing permission to apply for printing permission to print Agmark replica for supplying to a sponsored authorised packers and click on Certificate of Approval of Laboratory to apply for approval to laboratory to grade and mark specified agricultural commodities under Agmark for domestic trade. Now with the use of primary user id he/she may create as many secondary user ids and passwords as desired for each proposed manufacturing /packing premises/ factory/unit.
  2. Form fill: The applicant may use secondary user id and password to Sign In and access online application form to fill up for proposed premises/unit. Each manufacturing / packing premises/unit / factory should apply online using its own secondary user id for a Certificate of Authorization (CA). The form is segregated in various sections for saving one by one to proceed to next section, namely, firm profile, premises profile, machinery profiles, packing detail, laboratory details and Trade Brand details. Applicant should upload the required documents in PDF form at relevant fields. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required to be filled up.
  3. Verification and approval: CA to the particular manufacturing /packing premises is granted after verification of the uploaded documents, necessary infrastructure and approval by competent authority.
  4. Similarly, an applicant may follow above steps for applying to other permission/ approvals (Permission to Printing Press and Approval of Laboratory). This software application is designed to be user friendly which keeps showing help texts in the fields and guides to reach to next stages. Please refer User Manual to learn more.

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